Valley Bees

A balance between all bees

The commitment of Valley Bees is to nurture and maintain the population of all bees in the local environment. To achieve this, a community-centred network is necessary to support the individuals and groups who want bees in their locality, and this includes all bees: Honeybees, Social Stingless Bees, and Solitary Bees.

This commits us to be aware of management strategies to support the bees, to create an environment conducive to their on-going sustainability, and to focus on the nurturing of the Australian native bee populations in balance with the management of the honey bee, as all are needed to pollinate the extensive diversity in native flora, and native and introduced food plants.

Valley Bees holds monthly meetings and workshops, runs field days and events, offers mentorship and support, and freely makes available expertise, information and inspiration to all.

Natures Gift

Easy to read and follow and available for sale at our practical sessions.  It covers all things bees, including hive set up.
Written and produced by the Craig Family.

Practical Workshops

Get up close and personal with our honey bees and native bees. Learn from experienced beekeepeers during our practical sessions, held twice a month.

All the Tools

We can adivse you on the tools required and where you can purchase them. Including hives, bees, proctective gear and all the accessories you will need.

Monthly Meetings
Valley Bees monthly meeting will be taking place 20 Hasthorpe Road, Kandanga at 11.30 am.  The meeting will take place after the morning workshop at Honey Bee Wellness Resort. 
$2 entry and please bring a plate to share. MAP BELOW.

Honey Bee Workshop Sessions
Every month, Valley Bees holds two Honey Bee Practical Sessions, at the hives:
1st Saturday of every month – Gympie Landcare Nursery, Old Maryborough Road, Gympie. Starts at 9am.
3rd Saturday of every month – Honeybee Wellness Resort, 20 Hasthorpe Road, Kandanga. Starts at 9am.  After this practical session we will hold after monthgly meeting, starting on 21st May 2022. MAP BELOW

Native Bee Workshop Sessions
Native bee practical sessions will be held in September, November and January.

Box building day will be on the 24 September 2022 and the Rescue a Native bee hive day is on the 29 October 2022.  Any interested people please email us for the address and times. No cost for members and the membership cost for non-members is $20.

   2024 Meetings

JANUARY 6th 20th
FEBRUARY 3rd 17th
MARCH 2nd 16th
APRIL 6th 20th
MAY 4th 18th
JUNE 1st 25th
JULY 6th 20th
AUGUST 3rd 17th
SEPTEMBER 7th 21st
OCTOBER 5th 19th
NOVEMBER 2nd 16th
DECEMBER 7th 21st